Xpert IT Solutions & Trainings is sharing building with another institute in the premises of Dalazak road Peshawar.



Dalazak Road Zareen Coly, Gari Rajkool Peshawar, Pakistan



Mobile application development services

We will design a dedicated digital product fully customized to your needs. We have been developing mobile and web applications for clients worldwide for seven years. Furthermore, we offer comprehensive services, from design and product building to implementation, as well as maintenance and further development. Throughout our process, analysis plays a vital role. In the beginning, we study the project’s specifics, the scope of work, business goals, and expectations in great detail so that the application’s development is as effective as possible. 

By conducting a thorough pre-implementation analysis, you save costs by avoiding revisions and changes during the project. Our team will be provided with the project specifications, making the activities efficient and goal-oriented.

Our Exclusive Client's

One of our Android Project